Configure Git Server

This post describes how to configure git server on centos 7.

Suppose we have two pcs, one is centos 7, another is mac and we want to make the centos pc as the git server, mac is client.

We call them centos-server and mac-client.


Install git on both pcs

For centos-server, run following command:

sudo yum install git

and check the git version with command git --version

For mac-client, download the installation package from git

Add git user

Add a user called git on centos-server.

  sudo useradd git
  passwd git

Create ssh key

Create ssh key on mac-client by command ssh-keygen -t rsa or ssh-keygen -C "" (In windows, use Puttygen).

It will ask you to provide the location for storing the key, just hit Enter to use the default location.

For second question - pass phrase, just hit Enter for no passphrase.

Then it generates two keys - a public key(ends with .pub) and a private key, the print message on command console looks like:

Your identification has been saved in /Users/frank/.ssh/id_rsa.

Your public key has been saved in /Users/frank/.ssh/

The public key will be uploaded to the centos-server for allowing ssh access from mac-client later.

Upload public ssh key

Upload public ssh key to centos-server from mac-client:

   cat /Users/frank/.ssh/ | ssh git@ "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

This will create authorized_keys under the /home/git/.ssh of centos-server.

Set up reporistory on server

In centos-server, run following commands to set up a git repository:

  su git
  cd git 
  mkdir p1
  cd p1
  git init --bare

Or ssh to centos-server on mac-client:

  ssh git@
  mkdir -p /home/git/p1
  cd /home/git/p1
  git init --bare

Run exit to quit ssh connection

Set up a repository on client

In mac-client:

  cd /home
  mkdir gitRepo
  cd gitRepo
  mkdir p1
  cd p1
  git init --bare
  touch a.html
  git add .
  git commit -m 'initial commit'
  git remote add origin ssh://git@
  git push origin master

git commit -m "message" -a, -a option means commits for all files in the repo. If you made changes to only one you can specify the name of that file instead of using -a.

push means push these changes to the server so the work is accessible over the Internet and you can collaborate with other team members.


If we want to clone project from centos-server to mac-client, then in mac-client:

  cd /home/frank/gitRepo
  git clone ssh://git@ cf

this will clone p1 to cf folder


If we want to updtate the repository of mac-client from centos-server, then in the local repository of mac-client:

git pull origin master

GUI tools

If you are looking for some GUI tools to manage changes on local machines, you can use GUI tools such as QGit or GitK for Linux.

Restrict git user to only perform git commands

We can restrict git user of centos-server to only perform git commands:

which git-shell will show the git-shell path, e.g. /usr/bin/git-shell.

nano /etc/passwd will show something like git:x:1001:1001::/home/git:/bin/bash

change it to git:x:1001:1001::/home/git:/usr/bin/git-shell

Use git in eclipse

Written on January 13, 2019