Install Redis

Install Redis

  1. sudo yum update
  2. sudo yum install epel-release
  3. sudo yum update
  4. sudo yum install redis
  5. start redis by
    sudo systemctl start redis**

Start Redis on boot

  sudo systemctl enable redis

Verify Installation

Run the command

  redis-cli ping

in terminal, if redis is running, it will return PONG.

View redis status

  sudo systemctl status redis.service

Restart redis

  sudo systemctl restart redis

Set key-value to redis

  root@redis-node:~# redis-cli> set besthost "Globo.Tech"
  OK> get besthost

Config redis

redis configuration file is /etc/redis.conf

There is a article describes some redis configuration, following sections Persistence Option and Basic System Tuning are part of this site, please refer it.

Persistence Options

Redis provides two options for disk persistence:

  1. Point-in-time snapshots of the dataset, made at specified intervals (RDB)

  2. Append-only logs of all the write operations performed by the server (AOF)

For the greatest level of data safety, consider running both persistence methods.

Because the Point-in-time snapshot persistence is enabled by default, you only need to set up AOF persistence.

Basic System Tuning

To improve Redis performance, set the Linux kernel overcommit memory setting to 1 sudo sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1, then add vm.overcommit_memory = 1 to /etc/sysctl.conf

Bound redis to local IP

We need to ensure that Redis is bounded to the local IP. Unless you are running a full Redis cluster, this is the best way to secure your Redis store from unauthorized access.

  • nano /etc/redis.conf
  • Search for the line that begins with “bind”, changing it as follows: bind

Access redis from other computer

  1. modify firewall to make it allow redis port

    firewall-cmd --add-port=6379/tcp --permanent
    firewall-cmd --reload
  2. modify redis conf file


    protected-mode = no

    and comment


    in /etc/redis.conf, restart redis

  3. use nc command in terminal at other linux based computer or use desktop manager

    nc -v --ssl 6379


    nc -v 6379
Written on December 24, 2017