Maven deploy webapp to tomcat

  1. create a user with role manager-script in tomcat-users.xml
<role rolename="manager-script"/>
<user username="deployer" password="<your password>" roles="manager-script"/>
  1. config server in maven settings.xml
    <password><your password></password>

Note: user name and password are the same as your tomcat-users.xml

  1. config pom.xml

Note : - value of <server> is server id of maven settings.xml - tomcat7-maven-plugin work for tomcat 8 - path value cannot be only /, it should be /<webapp name>

  1. make sure other user has write permission on folder webapps

  2. start tomcat

  3. run maven gole tomcat7:deploy, tomcat7:redeploy or tomcat7:undeploy

Written on April 15, 2018