MySql Master Slave

mysql 5.7

How to do


  1. The version of master and slave are the same or similar(e.g. 5.7.24 and 5.7.26)
  2. The data and structure of master and slave are the same

Master config

Modify mysql config file
binlog_do_db=db1 #replicate specified database
Create replication user
CREATE USER 'replication'@'<slave-ip>' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';

GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'replication'@'<slave-ip>';

Slave config

Modify mysql config file
read_only=1 # make slave server read-only
Config master info
  1. In master server, execute show master status, get binlog File and Position
  2. In slave server, run following statement:
CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='<master ip>', MASTER_USER='replication', MASTER_PASSWORD='<password>', MASTER_LOG_FILE='<master-bin-log-file-name>', MASTER_LOG_POS=<master bin log position>;

MASTER_LOG_POS can be 0 which means read from the beginning of the bin log.

MASTER_LOG_FILE has to be got from master server initially, after set, if master server restart, slave server will update this value automatically.

Start salve
Check slave status
show slave status;

Check Slave_IO_State, Slave_IO_Running, Slave_SQL_Running, Seconds_Behind_Master

Delay replication


N is in second.

It only affects the SQL thread, I/O thread already write the data to relay log.


For replication error, please see .err for the detail.

Switch slave server to master server

  1. go to slave server
  2. mysql> STOP SLAVE;
  3. mysql> RESET SLAVE ALL; clear replication info such that it will not replicate when restart
  4. comment read_only if it is set
  5. restart mysql

If system use IP to access db, then application need to modify the IP in this this case.

A better solution is use DNS, only need to update DNS and clear DNS cache, there is no need to change application.

How it works

To Do

Written on June 25, 2019