Spring AOP

Spring AOP

By xml

public class PaymentApply {
    public void apply() {
	String user = "user1";
	String payment = "pay for dinner";
public class Notification {
    public void sendNotification() {
        System.out.println("send message to : ");
<bean id="paymentApply" class="example.my.spring.aop.PaymentApply" />
    <bean id="notification" class="example.my.spring.aop.Notification" />
	<aop:aspect id="myAspect" ref="notification" >
		<aop:pointcut id="afterPointCut" expression="execution(* example.my.spring.aop.PaymentApply.*(..))" />
		<aop:after method="sendNotification" pointcut-ref="afterPointCut" />

By annotation

<bean id="paymentApply" class="example.my.spring.aop.PaymentApply" />
<bean id="notification" class="example.my.spring.aop.Notification" />
public class Notification {
    @Pointcut("execution(* example.my.spring.aop.PaymentApply.apply(..))")
    private void beforePointCunt() {}
    public void sendNotification() {
	System.out.println("send message to in aop annotation ");


Pointcut expression

Written on January 21, 2018